Updates and Refactoring

Revisiting old repositories while reflecting on the present.

Cleaning up my messes

I’ve created so many repositories on GitHub (and, subsequently, deleted a lot as well…) and there are some that I was rather proud of. However, as I’ve grown and continued my education, they’ve begun to look rather…in need of attentation and maintenance. My free-time, as of late, has thus gone into maintaining these old projects and updating my beginner code to something more advanced. Most of what I’ve put here was hastily done to serve a purpose and, while helpful at the time, simply is not as shiny as it once was - it is my aim to improve them as what I’m calling “evergreen” projects.

The premise

I’ve been looking for a better way to spend my time - doing something I want to do - and I’ve been wanting to get back to Python (been too preoccupied with other life anxieties). So, the last few evenings have been spent updating the projects page of this blog. What I’ve done so far is a bit of re-structuring (adding docs/ to serve project pages with GitHub Pages), correcting mistakes on the projects page, and re-setting priorities on the projects themselves. Not a ton of updates to each project individually but a bit of work throughout the projects that are linked on the page.

The new goal

My ultimate goal is to have “finished” applications - applications that are published in some manner, e.g., have an executable created via relase pipeline or simply documented build instructions. I plan to have complete (example) applications built, logging added, and documentation complete with some sort of build process over the next few months. The time I have available from day-to-day varies (depending on work and life repsonsiblities) so I’m not really putting a “hard timeline” on this - also I have other hobbies (which I display on Instagram if you’re interested).

The next step

I’ll be starting with the Tkinter GUI Example project by adding logging, restructuring the application, completing the documentation and creating a build of some kind. I’d like to use GitHub actions to produce an installable file but we’ll see how long it takes to be satisfied with the project itself. Though, with the weather turning colder, I may have more “inside time” than I know what to do with.

Thank you for visiting my site and thaking the time to read my blog, have an outstanding day!

Written on November 5, 2021