Time Flies

Moonlighting - my way of life

Nothing specific to talk to in-depth; really just wanted to put another post in the world. I don’t expect that someone is dying for the next page turner in this chronicle so much I want to dedicate myself to something to prove something to myself. So, for the sake of writing something, here’s a post.

Dropped Projects

Re: Some repositories that are going to be abandoned for a while

There’s a few things in terms of personal projects I was working on for my day job that I’ve “dropped” from my “plate” (as they say in business parlance). Which means there will be some repositories I’ve created for proof-of-concept and future use that will be in various states of abandon. I don’t have any specific examples, just thought I’d put a blanket disclaimer out there.

Back to Frame Works

Re: My “vanilla” html/javascript/css repositories

I’ve taken up a project in my free time that is going to require a really quick development time. I’ve therefore switch back over to using various frameworks for development for the sake of speed. Such frameworks include Flask, node-js, and bootstrap to name a few. There may be a few repositories of interest (perhaps gists - been meaning to post some of those) popping up on my account for this reason. So if you’re into webapp stuff, stick around, may be more posts of that nature in the future!

Keeping Things Simple

Re: My personal goal

So, as previously stated, I’ve made a personal goal to keep at this thing, this is step one. I will continue to post on a weekly basis about the various things I’ve been working on that week and talking about code that I’ll be posting in my repositories for my own reference.

Thanks for reading my words and checking out my work :)


Written on May 18, 2019